Hiring a piper for a funeral

Booking a Piper for a Funeral
Giving a loved one the send off they’ve always wanted with the sound of bagpipes and the right choice of funeral songs, can really add to the sense of occasion at a funeral. Although most of our bookings are at weddings, some of the kindest reviews we have received have been from families after playing at a funeral.
Piper playing at a funeral
We have video of a piper playing at a funeral here, so that you can see for yourself what it would be like to have a piper playing at a funeral, whether it be at your home; at a crematorium or cemetary.
Choosing the funeral songs
We have a big repetoire of tunes and can supply these on request. We pride ourselves on being able to advise on funeral music and the right blend of sombre and more upbeat funeral songs for the bagpipes, which we can play at appropriate moments, whether it’s a cremation or burial.
Rest assured our Pipers are reliable and professional and will play the best funeral songs to give the right Scottish sound.
Some options for when the piper can play are as follows:
- From the house/funeral parlour to the hearse and for a distance in front of the funeral cortege as it proceeds away to the next venue.
- Piping as the funeral cortege arrives at the crematorium or cemetery.
- Playing the deceased into the crematorium or grave side.
- Piping during the funeral service.
- And finally on retiral to cars at the end of the funeral service.
We pride ourselves on making arrangements for the family as easy as possible, by only providing experienced Pipers, who can engage with family and friends in a sensitive way.
The above list is intended to be a short guide and we will be happy to discuss any ideas for piping at the funeral with you.
For any information and advice or simply a free quotation, call us on 07786 683445 or fill in the contact form below and we’ll get right back to you.
Although we’re based in Glasgow, we “have pipes will travel”!
About us
If you’re looking for pipers in Glasgow, not all services are the same. Premier Pipers are the leading supplier of Scottish pipers for weddings. Get in touch for a free quote.
Keith’s career as a Scottish piper began 34 years ago when he started learning the bagpipes. He became a professional wedding piper in 1993, whilst studying, and has been playing weddings, funerals and functions ever since. He now combines piping with ski instructing. Looking for Pipers, Premier Pipers can help!
Get in Touch
Tel: 0141 374 2342
Mob: 07786 683445